- #Rescue heroes 9 dots 4 lines Patch#
- #Rescue heroes 9 dots 4 lines trial#
Developers' notes: Holy Priests have continued to trail behind other healers in DPS output, so we're increasing the damage of a variety of spells to bring them more in line.Fixed an issue causing Shadow Covenant to fail when Blessing of Spellwarding was active on the Priest.All damaging abilities increased by 3%.Kill Shot damage increase does not apply to PvP combat. Aimed Shot, Kill Shot, and Rapid Fire damage increased by 10%.Rescue should no longer occasionally disconnect players in PvP.Rescue should no longer interrupt channeled spells when cast on an ally who is channeling.Melee autoattack damage increased by 15%.Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage increased by 15%.Fixed an issue where some Tier 9 set bonuses were giving an unintended Critical Strike Damage or Healing modifier.
#Rescue heroes 9 dots 4 lines trial#
Completing the Trial of the Grand Crusader on Heroic difficulty (10 or 25) will now grant credit for both the heroic and normal versions of the achievement ( Call of the Crusade and Call of the Grand Crusade) since both versions now share a lockout.
Torch Juggler can now be completed in Dalaran, Stromwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, and Undercity. Suffusion Camp world quests now provide credit toward "Aiding the Accord: The Isles Call.". Fixed an issue that caused Reactive Resin triggers to put you in combat. Fixed an issue where Mythic difficulty was not able to be selected using the Premade Groups interface. Fixed an issue with incorrect trigger rates on Empyrean Power. Fixed an issue where Rogue's Tier 9 2-piece set bonus was not properly reducing the energy cost of the next ability used. Fixed an issue that was causing some players to be unable to obtain the toy "Hraxian's Unbreakable Will.”. Pets should no longer get stuck on the staircase leading to Sentinel Talondras while in combat. Fire Blast will now get casted much sooner after Glaciate during Defense Protocol Beta. Fire Blast now does 6% max hp damage per second, instead of 10% during Defense Protocol Beta. Glaciate and Icy Path will no longer kill players when they are affected by King Ymiron's Screams of the Dead during Defense Protocol Alpha or Beta. Grotesque Horror’s Dark Echoes cast time increased to 1.5 seconds (was 1 second). Seeking Flame’s visual has been adjusted. Earthen Shards periodic damage reduced by 20%. Magma Eruption periodic damage reduced by 25%. Irontorch Commander health reduced by 15%. Qalashi Lavabearer health reduced by 10%. Crystalline Ground damage reduced by 25%. Blightshard Skitter health reduced by 25%. Fixed an issue that caused Vileshard Crawler's Acid Splatter to inflict more damage than intended. Power Overload now targets 2 players (was 3). Rotburst Totem's Rotting Burst cast time increased to 7 seconds (was 5 seconds). Withered Eruption damage reduced by 10%. Gashtooth’s Gash Frenzy periodic damage reduced by 25%. The below Mythic+ changes were applied on June 30:.
Fixed an issue that caused Incorporeal Beings' Destabilize effect to apply to targets not in combat with players when charmed. Wild Mushroom and Fury of Elune will now deal their damage even if the target is out of line of sight of the Druid. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
#Rescue heroes 9 dots 4 lines Patch#
Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect.
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic.